Manual ways SMEs are managing their finances from a pile of different accounts

SMEs often juggle finances manually across multiple accounts, leading to complexity and increased risk of errors in their financial management.

Manual ways SMEs are managing their finances from a pile of different accounts

Traditional Financial Management for SMEs Across Multiple Accounts

For small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), keeping track of finances is a vital part of running a successful business. However, managing money can be particularly challenging when it involves juggling a pile of different accounts. Without the right tools and strategies, this can lead to inefficiencies, errors, and missed opportunities.

The Manual Approach to Finance Management in SMEs

Many SMEs still rely on traditional, manual methods of managing their finances. This often involves a combination of physical record-keeping and the use of basic digital spreadsheets. While these methods can work, they are typically time-consuming and prone to human error, especially when dealing with multiple bank accounts.

Tracking Transactions

Business owners or their accountants might start by tracking all transactions manually, including both income and expenses. This process usually involves reviewing bank statements from different accounts and reconciling them with invoices and bills.

Budgeting and Forecasting

Creating and maintaining a budget is another area where manual processes show their limitations. Forecasting future cash flows and financial needs can be incredibly complex when multiple accounts are involved. SMEs often use spreadsheets to predict upcoming expenses and income, but this requires constant updating and fine-tuning to remain accurate.

Financial Reporting

Financial reporting is crucial for understanding the overall health of the business. Yet, manually compiling reports from various accounts is not only tedious but also leaves room for discrepancies that can affect business decisions.

Challenges of Manual Management

The manual management of finances comes with several challenges:

  • Time-consuming: Manual entry and reconciliation of transactions across different accounts consume valuable time that could be devoted to other business activities.
  • Error-prone: Human error can lead to inaccurate financial data, affecting the reliability of reports and financial statements.
  • Lack of real-time information: Manual systems do not provide real-time financial data, which is essential for making timely business decisions.
  • Difficulty in scaling: As businesses grow, the manual financial management approach becomes unsustainable, increasing the risk of financial mismanagement.

Modern Solutions for SME Financial Management

To overcome these challenges, many SMEs are turning to modern financial management solutions that automate and streamline financial processes. These solutions allow businesses to integrate multiple accounts and view their financial data in one place, thus improving accuracy and efficiency. While a shift to digital solutions can represent an upfront investment, the long-term benefits in time savings and accuracy are substantial.

Discover a Simpler Way to Manage Your Business Finances

Enty's Finances is designed to help European SMEs track their cash flow from all their bank accounts in one place. With easy budget planning and goal setting, our platform simplifies financial management. Plus, our single subscription includes automated invoice and contract creation with e-sign capabilities.

Learn More

Manual Solutions with a Digital Edge

Despite the trend towards digital solutions, some SMEs may still prefer manual methods due to their simplicity or lack of comfort with technology. For these businesses, there are ways to incorporate a digital edge into manual processes:

Enhanced Spreadsheets

Spreadsheets can be enhanced with templates and formulas to reduce the need for manual data entry and to improve accuracy. They can also be synchronized with bank accounts to some extent, allowing for a semi-automated process.

Consolidated Financial Dashboards

Several tools exist that offer consolidated views of financial data from multiple accounts. These dashboards can be manually updated to reflect the latest information and provide a more comprehensive overview of finances.

Regular Financial Reviews

Regular reviews of financial data are crucial for maintaining accuracy. These reviews should include cross-checking data across different accounts and correcting any discrepancies.


Managing SME finances across multiple accounts is a complex task that can be overwhelming if approached manually. While manual methods may work for some, they are not sustainable or scalable in the long run. Businesses must consider adopting modern financial tools that can save time, reduce errors, and provide a more accurate financial picture.

Enty's Finances is an example of a modern solution that leverages the power of technology to simplify financial management for SMEs. It offers a unified platform for tracking all financial activities, streamlining processes, and freeing up time to focus on growing your business. Embracing such innovations can help SMEs transition from piles of accounts to streamlined financial success.