Manual ways SMEs are managing their finances from a pile of different accounts

SMEs grapple with financial management through a jigsaw of assorted accounts, relying on traditional, hands-on methods.

Manual ways SMEs are managing their finances from a pile of different accounts

Efficient Financial Management for SMEs: Navigating the Maze of Multiple Accounts

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) often struggle with managing finances across various bank accounts. With limited resources and lack of integrated financial tools, many SMEs still rely on manual methods to keep their financial health in check. In this article, we will delve into the manual ways through which SMEs manage their finances from a stack of different accounts and explore how they can benefit from modern financial management solutions like Enty's Finances.

Traditional Financial Management Practices in SMEs

Many small businesses start with a simple spreadsheet or even a physical ledger to record their financial transactions. As the business grows, so does the complexity of its financial management needs. SMEs with multiple bank accounts find themselves sifting through bank statements, invoices, and receipts to reconcile their finances.

Manual Record-Keeping

One of the most common manual methods involves the meticulous entry of all financial transactions into ledgers or spreadsheets. Business owners or their accountants spend hours each week updating these records to reflect the current financial position of the company.

Bank Statement Reconciliation

Another manual process is the monthly bank statement reconciliation. SMEs match the transactions listed on their bank statements with the entries in their books to ensure accuracy. This often involves cross-referencing several accounts, which can be time-consuming and prone to human error.

Cash Flow Analysis

Understanding cash flow is crucial for any business. SMEs typically analyze their cash flow manually by reviewing their income and expenses across all accounts. This helps them make informed decisions about budgeting, investing, and funding.

The Challenges of Manual Financial Management

While these traditional methods have been the backbone of SME financial management for years, they come with significant challenges:

  • Time-Consuming: Manual entry and reconciliation can take up a considerable amount of time that could be spent on other business activities.
  • Error-Prone: The risk of human error increases with manual handling of financial data, potentially leading to misinformed business decisions.
  • Lack of Real-Time Insights: Manual methods often result in outdated financial information, hindering the ability to make timely decisions.
  • Difficulty in Scaling: As the business grows, the manual financial management becomes untenable, creating a need for more sophisticated solutions.

Embracing Modern Financial Management Solutions

Fortunately, technology has paved the way for more efficient financial management solutions tailored for SMEs. Platforms like Enty's Finances provide a seamless way to track cash flow, plan budgets, and set goals – all in one place.

Benefits of Using Enty's Finances for SMEs

  • Consolidation of Accounts: Track all your bank accounts in one platform, simplifying the process of financial overview and analysis.
  • Automated Invoice and Contract Creation: Generate invoices and contracts with ease, and have them e-signed, all within the same subscription service.
  • Efficient Budgeting and Goal Setting: Plan your budgets accurately and set financial goals that are grounded in real-time data and forecasts.
  • Time and Cost Savings: Reduce the amount of time spent on manual financial management and minimize the costs associated with it.

The move to a digital financial management solution like Enty's Finances allows SMEs to focus on growing their business, rather than being bogged down by the intricacies of financial administration.

Streamline Your SME Finances with Enty

Ready to take control of your financial management? Enty's Finances offers a comprehensive solution for European SMEs to track cash flow, plan budgets, and set goals. Enjoy automated invoice and contract creation with e-sign, all in a single subscription. Say goodbye to the hassle of managing multiple accounts and hello to streamlined financial operations.

Explore Enty's Finances


In the competitive world of business, SMEs cannot afford to let inefficient financial management practices hold them back. While manual methods have their place, the digital revolution offers tools that can significantly improve financial operations. By leveraging platforms like Enty's Finances, SMEs can enjoy a consolidated view of their finances, automated processes, and more time to dedicate to strategic business endeavors.

Embracing modern financial management solutions is not just a matter of convenience; it's a strategic move to ensure the longevity and success of your SME in the ever-evolving business landscape.