Invoicing tips for freelancers and contractors

Maximize your cash flow and maintain professionalism with these essential invoicing tips tailored for freelancers and contractors.

Invoicing tips for freelancers and contractors

Invoicing Tips for Freelancers and Contractors

As a freelancer or contractor, managing your finances is crucial, and the cornerstone of this is effective invoicing. Not only does invoicing secure your cash flow, but it also reflects your professionalism. Here are some invoicing tips that can save you time, ensure faster payment, and minimize errors.

1. Automate Your Invoicing Process

Manual invoicing can be a time-consuming task. Automating your invoicing process can save you a considerable amount of time and reduce the possibility of human error. There are several invoicing platforms available that can help you create, send, and manage your invoices efficiently.

2. Be Clear and Detailed

Your invoices should be clear and easy to understand. Include a detailed breakdown of the services provided, along with the individual costs. This transparency helps build trust with your clients and can often speed up the payment process.

3. Set Strict Payment Terms

It's important to establish and communicate your payment terms before starting a project. This includes your rates, payment deadlines, and accepted payment methods. Once the terms are agreed upon, adhere to them strictly and ensure they are clearly stated on each invoice.

4. Follow Up on Late Payments

Don't hesitate to follow up on payments that are past due. Sending polite reminders can help you get paid faster. Some invoicing tools even allow you to set up automatic reminders for outstanding invoices.

5. Keep Records of Everything

Maintain a record of all your invoices, payments received, and communications with clients regarding billing. This will help you to keep track of your finances and can also serve as evidence in case of disputes.

6. Know When to Charge VAT

Understanding when and how much VAT to charge can be a complex task, particularly if you're working with clients in different countries. Make sure you know the rules that apply to your services and your client's location.

7. Use Professional Invoicing Software

Investing in professional invoicing software can help you to look more professional, automate VAT calculations, and provide a seamless payment experience for your clients. It's an investment worth considering for the long-term health of your freelance or contracting business.

8. Personalize Your Invoices

Add a personal touch to your invoices with branding elements such as your logo and color scheme. This not only makes your invoices stand out but also reinforces your brand identity.

9. Offer Multiple Payment Methods

The easier you make it for clients to pay, the faster you'll get paid. Offer multiple payment methods such as bank transfers, credit cards, and online payment platforms. Some invoicing tools also allow the inclusion of payment links directly on the invoice.

10. Stay Legally Compliant

Ensure that your invoices meet the legal requirements of your country or the country where your client is based. This includes proper identification of both parties, a unique invoice number, the date of issue, and a clear description of the goods or services provided.

Streamline Your Invoicing with Enty

Enty's invoicing service is designed for European SMEs who want to take the hassle out of invoicing. With features like unlimited invoice issuing, automatic VAT calculations, and payment links, Enty helps you get paid faster and stay compliant.

Enty isn't just about invoicing - it's a comprehensive solution that comes with contract and financial management in a single subscription.

Start Invoicing with Enty


Maintaining a steady income as a freelancer or contractor is critical, and effective invoicing plays a significant role in this. By using the right tools and following best practices, you can simplify your invoicing process, get paid on time, and focus more on what you do best.
