Invoicing rules and requirements in France

Navigating France's invoicing regulations: a guide to compliance and best practices for businesses.

Invoicing rules and requirements in France

Invoicing Rules and Requirements in France

Invoicing Rules and Requirements in France

Understanding the invoicing rules and requirements in France is essential for businesses to ensure compliance with the law and to maintain good financial practices. This article outlines the essential information you need to know about French invoicing regulations.

The Basics of Invoicing in France

In France, the creation and issuance of invoices is governed by the French Commercial Code (Code de Commerce). It is vital for any entity doing business in France to adhere to these regulations to avoid penalties and ensure the right to collect payments.

Compulsory Invoice Information

French invoices must include a number of mandatory details, including:

  • Date of issuance
  • A unique invoice number based on a sequential numbering system
  • Supplier's full name, address, and VAT number
  • Customer's full name, address, and VAT number (if applicable)
  • Description of goods or services provided
  • Quantity and price of goods or services
  • Discounts applied, if any
  • VAT rate(s) applied and total VAT amount
  • Total amount due, excluding and including VAT
  • Payment terms including due date and penalties for late payment

Electronic Invoicing

Electronic invoicing is becoming increasingly common and is encouraged by the French authorities. E-invoices must contain the same information as paper invoices and must be accepted by both the supplier and the customer. They must also be retained for audit purposes for a minimum of 10 years.

VAT Considerations

Value Added Tax (VAT) is a critical aspect of invoicing in France. Businesses must ensure they are charging the correct VAT rates and that the VAT amount is clearly stated on the invoice. In France, there are multiple VAT rates that apply to different types of goods and services.

Special Cases and Exemptions

There are special invoicing rules for certain transactions, such as intra-community supplies, exports, and for small businesses under the VAT threshold. It's important to understand these special cases to ensure accurate invoicing.

Sanctions for Non-Compliance

Failure to comply with the French invoicing rules can result in significant penalties. These can include fines, disallowance of VAT deductions, and even legal action. Therefore, strict adherence to invoicing regulations is crucial for all businesses operating in France.

Streamline Your Invoicing with Enty

Take the hassle out of invoicing with Enty's Invoicing service for European SMEs. Our platform allows you to issue unlimited invoices, automatically calculate VAT, and get paid faster with payment links. Enty provides a comprehensive subscription service that includes contract and financial management, so you can focus on growing your business while we handle the paperwork.

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Streamline Invoicing

Keeping Records

Both paper and electronic invoices must be kept for a period of 10 years in France. This is important for tax audits and financial record-keeping. It is the responsibility of the issuing business to maintain these records in an orderly fashion and make them readily available in case of an audit.


Staying up-to-date with the invoicing rules and requirements in France is crucial for any business. With the right knowledge and tools such as Enty's Invoicing service, you can ensure compliance and efficiency in your financial transactions.