Contract vs. template: Understanding the legal distinctions

Explore the crucial differences between bespoke contracts and standard templates to ensure your legal agreements are tailored to your needs.

Contract vs. template: Understanding the legal distinctions

Contract vs. Template: Understanding the Legal Distinctions

When engaging in any form of business or legal agreement, it is crucial to understand the difference between a contract and a template. Both serve important functions in the creation of binding agreements, but they are not interchangeable. In this article, we will delve into their legal distinctions, the appropriate use of each, and how to ensure that your agreements are legally sound.

What is a Contract?

A contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties. It outlines specific obligations that each party must fulfill. Should any party fail to meet these obligations, the contract provides a framework for resolving disputes and, if necessary, determining damages or enforcement actions.

The Elements of a Contract

For an agreement to be considered a valid contract, it must contain the following elements:

  • Offer: A proposal by one party to another to enter into an agreement.
  • Acceptance: The agreement of the other party to the terms of the offer.
  • Consideration: Something of value that is being exchanged between the parties.
  • Intention: Both parties must intend to establish a legally binding arrangement.
  • Capacity: The parties must have the legal ability to enter into the agreement.

What is a Template?

A template, sometimes referred to as a "form" or "standard document," is a pre-written document that provides a starting point for drafting a contract. It includes placeholders or brackets where specific information can be inserted to customize the document to the needs of the parties involved.

The Use of Templates

Templates are often used because they:

  • Save time by providing a pre-structured format
  • Contain standard clauses that are commonly applicable to many agreements
  • Help individuals and businesses draft contracts without starting from scratch

Although contracts and templates share a relationship, they have distinct legal implications:

Specificity and Customization

A contract is tailored to the specific terms of an agreement between the parties involved. In contrast, a template is a generalized document that is not binding until it has been customized and agreed upon by all parties.

Legality and Enforceability

Once a template is fully customized, it becomes a contract and is potentially enforceable in court. However, not all templates may be legally sound. It is essential to ensure that the template you use is comprehensive and complies with the relevant laws and regulations.

Scope and Flexibility

Templates provide a foundation that can be adapted for various agreements, while contracts are finalized documents that have a specific and narrow scope, pertaining only to the agreement at hand.

When using a template to create a contract, it is imperative to:

  • Ensure that the template is up-to-date with current laws
  • Customize all generic clauses to reflect the true intention of the parties
  • Review and potentially have a legal professional examine the document before finalization
  • Clearly define the terms, obligations, and rights of all parties involved

Failure to adhere to these steps can result in an unenforceable contract or future legal disputes.

Streamline Your Contracting with Enty

For European SMEs looking to streamline their contract development process, Enty offers a comprehensive solution that allows you to create contracts in minutes without the need for extensive legal knowledge. With Enty, you can e-sign contracts with various methods, and effortlessly manage all your documents in one place. Our subscription service also includes automated invoices and financial management tools to keep your business running smoothly.

Create Your Contract Now


Understanding the legal distinctions between a contract and a template is fundamental for any party entering into an agreement. A contract is a finalized, enforceable agreement, while a template serves as a draft or starting point. It is crucial to customize legal documents to suit the specific situation and to ensure that they comply with the law. With services like Enty, the process of creating, signing, and managing contracts becomes more accessible, allowing businesses to focus on growth and success.

It is always recommended to seek professional legal advice when drafting contracts, particularly for complex agreements or those involving significant risks or assets. Legal experts can provide guidance and ensure that your contracts are not only legally enforceable but also protect your interests.